Five Iron Frenzy

Five Iron Frenzy
All Artists


Our Newest Album Ever

Our Newest Album Ever

Upbeats and Beatdowns

Upbeats and Beatdowns

Quantity is Job 1

Quantity is Job 1


About Five Iron Frenzy

Five Iron Frenzy

Connect with Five Iron Frenzy

Five Iron Frenzy is an exuberant and genre-defying American ska band hailing from Denver, Colorado. Founded in 1995, the band quickly garnered a devoted fan base with their infectious blend of ska, punk, and rock sounds. Known for their energetic live performances and witty, thought-provoking lyrics, Five Iron Frenzy became a prominent figure in the Christian ska scene. Their music often touched on social issues, faith, and personal struggles, resonating with listeners from all walks of life. Over the years, the band released a series of critically acclaimed albums, including "Upbeats and Beatdowns," "Our Newest Album Ever," and "Engine of a Million Plots," solidifying their place as pioneers in the ska genre and leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of fans worldwide.

Throughout their journey, Five Iron Frenzy displayed an unwavering commitment to their music and message, showcasing a unique ability to entertain while addressing serious subjects with an air of positivity. Their charismatic charm and musicianship brought together people of diverse backgrounds, unifying them through the power of music and shared experiences. Despite their initial hiatus in 2003, the band reunited and continues to perform and create new music, proving that the infectious spirit of Five Iron Frenzy remains as timeless as their captivating sound.