First Things First by Consumed By Fire

Posted on Friday, February 9, 2024 by K-LOVE Pastors

First Things First by Consumed By Fire

“And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things. 30 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. 31 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need.” – Luke 12:29-31 NLT


The song “First Things First” was written from an experience of unexpected transition. The Ward brothers, who comprise the group, Consumed by Fire, write about their struggle to reconnect with God’s plan for them after the loss of their father. They questioned if they should even continue with the band. They found strength and direction when they decided to seek God first.

It can be easy to let the things around us divide our thoughts and attention. As we focus on life, family, and our own goals, we start to lose our way. This is even harder when we have to deal with a loss or trouble.

This song talks about how many things try to get our attention and how we can be lulled into putting the wrong things first. The lyrics of the song read:


I don’t wanna love what the world loves
I don’t wanna chase what the world does 
I only want You
First things first, I seek Your will 
Not my own, Surrender all my wants to You 
Keep the first thing first
To live Your truth, Walk Your ways 
Set my eyes, Lord I fix my face on You 
All my desires reversed, To keep the first thing first


These are the words of someone who knows that all the things we value on earth can’t satisfy our souls the way God can.

I remember when I had to choose between a job in the church and a better-paying job in business. I was torn over the decision. On the one hand, I would be able to use my skills and knowledge to help my family meet some material goals. But every time I prayed about the decision, I could feel the Lord pulling me toward the work of the ministry. This would make our budget smaller but give us more time to reach our family goals. Joshua 24:15 was the verse that God kept quoting to me. “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…”

I had to decide whether my own goals or God’s rule would come first in my life. No amount of reason or logic could get me to the point where I was ready to go against what the Holy Spirit was telling me to do. I fasted and prayed for God to help me make the right choice. I decided to let God’s plan and word come first in my life.

I remember kneeling down to pray right before I quit my job at the company. As I let go of my fear and selfishness, I felt a peace that was hard to explain. I got up and called my boss to tell her I would not be able to take the role. At that moment, I saw everything differently.

I felt God’s presence fill my heart, and His words were confirmed in a way I will never forget. I felt happy and sure of myself.  I was confident God would give me everything I needed. He was the One committed to taking care of us and providing for us.

The faithfulness of God did not end with the peace that filled my heart. My husband received a 25% raise and two promotions that same year. Even when it looked like I was making a choice that would leave us with less, God moved in our lives and gave us more. This song reminds us that God’s ways are better and higher than our own. He knows us and what we need even better than we do. He is first.


Dig Deeper

Take an inventory of your time and activities for the last week. Have you put God first in how you spend your time? If yes, how has this helped you through the week? If no, what can you change to help you better prioritize time with God?

Christian Living

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