Listen to K-LOVE everywhere you go with one of our many free options!
Listen to K-LOVE with our in-app player, explore artists bios and songs, get the Verse of the Day, enter contests, and more! Enjoy the K-LOVE App on your Android phone or tablet, iPhone or iPad. Download iOS or Download Android.
From over the air to on the web, listen to K-LOVE anytime online! The K-LOVE Web player is available 24/7 and is supported by most major desktop and mobile internet browsers. Launch the Web Player.
Having trouble launching the player or app?
First, make sure your app is on version 7.1.0 or later. If not, please go to your settings, the App Store or Google Play and update your app.
If you are running the latest version of the app, go to the Music tab (the default tab in the app) and look in the top right corner. Click the Stations button to open the drop-down menu. Then, select the icon for the station you’d like to listen to from the pop-up box in the bottom half of your screen.