Ken Starr At Museum Of The Bible: Streamed Event Looks At Threats To Religious Freedom

Tuesday, April 13 2021 by Richard Hunt

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Ken Starr, former Solicitor General, federal judge
Greg Nash/Pool via AP
Ken Starr, former Solicitor General, federal judge

Museum of the Bible, in partnership with the Religious Freedom Institute, will host “A Time of Crisis and Opportunity,” a conversation with Hon. Ken Starr and Tom Farr, president of the Religious Freedom Institute, on Thursday, April 15. 

The event follows the release of Starr’s new book, “Religious Liberty Freedom in Crisis: Exercising Your Faith in an Age of Uncertainty” on Tuesday, April 13. Farr will interview Starr, who will lead the audience through an exploration of America's rich tradition of religious liberty and the current crises threatening that bedrock freedom. Starr will also offer practical insights as to how to take a more active role in advancing liberty's cause. 

Starr served as a federal appellate judge from 1983 to 1989 and served as solicitor general from 1989 to 1993. He also authored “First Among Equals: The Supreme Court in American Life” (2002) and “Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation” (2018). “Religious Freedom in Crisis: Exercising Your Faith in an Age of Uncertainty” examines the United States’ history of religious freedom and the problems the nation now faces with regards to religious freedom, from a secularized world to government overreach.

Starr writes:

“Our national DNA contains a dominant freedom gene. Why did men and women from other countries – the English, Dutch, French and Spanish – choose to uproot themselves and find their way to a new home in an unknown land in the latter part of the eighteenth century? The answer for so many boiled down to one thing: the opportunity to enjoy freedom, including religious freedom.”

Farr says of Starr’s upcoming release:

“For many years, the United States has led efforts to reverse what has become a full-blown global crisis in religious freedom, as invidious discrimination and violent persecution spread to almost every region of the world. Now comes a major new work by one of America’s foremost authorities on religious freedom, Judge Ken Starr, to warn us that America is facing its own crisis. 

“The nation where religious liberty was once considered ‘the first freedom’ is now experiencing growing hostility to religion among its culture-forming institutions and its political elites. With powerful arguments and winsome prose, Judge Starr explains why America cannot afford the loss of religious freedom.”

This event will be live-streamed from the museum on April 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m (EST) and recorded for later broadcast by C-SPAN. 

More information on the event is available here.

More information on Museum of the Bible is available here.


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