On the third Monday of February, America pauses to reflect on the great presidents who have led our country since its inception. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of George Washington, Presidents’ Day now provides a moment for the nation to celebrate our most cherished leaders.
For Trail Life USA, the largest Christ-centered, boy-focused scout-type organization in the country, looking back at America’s heritage is integral to developing the next generation of leaders. According to Trail Life CEO Mark Hancock, great American presidents understood the importance of boyhood challenge and adventure in raising godly men of character.
“Theodore Roosevelt rightly noted, ‘The same qualities that mean success or failure to the nation as a whole mean success or failure in men and boys individually.’”
Hancock continued, “It is imperative that boys know and read America’s founding documents — the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, the preamble to the Constitution, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These texts provide guidance for molding the sort of men who will continue to lead our country with courage and character. Founding Fathers like George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson enshrined in our Constitution biblical principles of freedom, equality, fairness, opportunity and human dignity that are endowed by the creator.”
Trail Life believes that for boys to grow, they have to experience. Accordingly, Trail Life is not merely instructive, but experiential, creating environments that cultivate leadership. Together boys vote on leaders for their Troop, plan their program and live with the outcomes of their choices.
The Trail Life program is designed to engage boys with the same principles that guided the Founding Fathers. As boys band together and work with leaders to achieve goals, experience adventure and make a difference in their community, they are inspired to greater achievement.
Hancock concluded, “Let us strive to engage, to inspire, to appreciate, to guide and to ground boys in the truth — that they may grow to become men of character and conviction who will stand for truth, preserve liberty, and continue by faith to raise the banner of freedom and be a light to the nations.”
Trail Life USA has received praise from some of today’s top Christian voices, including Focus on the Family, Franklin Graham, James Dobson, Mike Huckabee, Alex and Stephen Kendrick, Family Life, Promise Keepers, the American Family Association, and many others.
Trail Life USA is the premier national character development organization for young men, producing godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.Trail Life’s mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. Troops exist in all 50 states and are growing as Trail Life USA expands around the country. Find a Troop today, or Start a Troop in your community. Find out more at TrailLifeUSA.com.

Trail Life USA’s K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills. A robust awards program motivates young men to grow on a personal level to become role models and leaders among their peers. Living the Trail Life USA is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.