'Faux Fish' - Food Trends Predicted For The New Year: What Will You Eat In 2024?

Thursday, December 28 2023

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This trend is all about merging familiar flavors and textures to create exciting new dishes in the hope that one plus one really does equal three.
Unsplash/Nate Johnson
This trend is all about merging familiar flavors and textures to create exciting new dishes in the hope that one plus one really does equal three.

As 2024 dawns, more food trends will shape our culinary experiences. According to Pinterest, searches for “pizza pot pie” have increased by 55%, and that means a new trend is coming for the new year.

After viral 2023 trends like “girl dinner,” “cottage cheese everything,” and “ice cream fruit roll ups,” it should be interesting to see what else the coming months have to offer.

Analyzing research by Pinterest, Whole Foods, and market research company Mintel, here’s what may become the biggest food trends in 2024.

Mouthwatering Mashups

Get ready for culinary combinations in 2024. Food enthusiasts are experimenting with mashups of their favorite dishes, creating hybrids like “burger quesadillas” and the aforementioned “pizza pot pies.”

This trend is all about merging familiar flavors and textures to create exciting new dishes in the hope that one plus one really does equal three. But this trend is not entirely new. Recipe creators at Always Use Butter caught on to this trend a few years ago and created the Buffalo Chicken Quesadilla in 2020.

Getting the “Plant” Back in “Plant-Based”

The plant-based movement is changing for 2024. It’s all about putting the “plant” back in “plant-based” and opting for more natural options over processed ones.

According to a 2022 Mintel study, more people would eat plant-based alternatives if they were less processed, and industries are taking note. Instead of complex meat alternatives that have become common in recent years, there may be a resurgence of natural ingredients like mushrooms, walnuts, tempeh, and legumes.

Plant-based nutritionist Katie Trant supports this trend and points out that there’s plenty of protein in natural vegetarian options. “While those fake meat veggie burgers can be great from time to time, I always prefer to eat real, whole food sources like black beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh. I like knowing exactly what I’m eating, and these plant foods are packed with protein, dietary fiber, and essential nutrients. For example, a one-cup serving of black beans contains 15 grams of protein as well as 15 grams of dietary fiber.”

Faux Fish

The rise of plant-based options continues with a focus on seafood. Plant-based caviars have been popular in recent years, and now the time has come for other plant-based seafood. Imagine “ salmon ” made from carrots, “scallops” made from mushrooms, and sushi topped with root vegetable “tuna.” It might sound strange, but in 2024, this is what we’ll be ordering.

Tropical Temptations

The new year will bring a tropical twist to our dining tables, with dishes like Hawaiian sheet pan chicken and pineapple mocktails. In fact, searches for the mocktails are already up 70%. This is a combination of two other trends we’ve seen over the past few years: the move toward less alcohol-centric beverages and the desire to experience tropical bliss without adding to our global footprint.

Fun with Spices

Get ready for a fiery trend in 2024 as niche peppers continue to take over grocery store aisles. Not only will we find specialty peppers in various sauces and condiments, but we will also be drinking them.

Spicy kombuchas and juices have been on the shelves for a few years now, and in the coming year, we’ll see even more spicy beverages join them. This trend is not for the faint of heart, but spicy food lovers will be happy to know they’ll have an abundance of new flavors to explore next year.

Noodle Glow-up

Instant ramen has been a beloved cheap comfort food for years, and many of us have developed our own way of dressing it up. From adding eggs and Sriracha sauce to fresh vegetables and proteins, there are a million ways to serve it.

That won’t be necessary in 2024, though, since instant ramen is getting a much-needed glow-up. Ramen companies have jumped on the bandwagon, and are starting to offer gourmet options, complete with exceptional flavors, quality ingredients, and fewer preservatives.

Bring on the Buckwheat

Buckwheat will rise from obscurity to center stage in 2024, and for good reason.

Trant says, “I love buckwheat for its delicate, nutty flavor, but as an added benefit, it’s a great source of manganese, magnesium, copper, and dietary fiber. And since buckwheat is not a cereal grain, it’s also a great option for those who are sensitive or intolerant to gluten.”

This nutritious grain is commonly used in soba noodles in Asian cuisine, but can be used for much more — from porridge and crackers to plant-based milk. It’s good for you and also for the environment. Buckwheat contributes to soil health and aids in the growth of other crops, and we will definitely be seeing more of it in the years to come.

Little Luxury Treats

TikTok has sparked many trends in the past few years, and 2024 will be no different. A recent trend is “little treats,” where people enjoy little luxuries daily. This “luxury treat” could be a tasty beverage or small cookie — anything that gives your day that silver lining without breaking the bank.

Companies are responding to this trend, creating more small products you can grab for a quick treat. How about a hot beverage on your morning commute, a tiny macaron with your afternoon coffee, or an individually wrapped praline for an after-dinner treat?

Caffeine Reinvented

The past few years have seen increased popularity for alternatives to caffeinated drinks, whether probiotic beverages or “coffee” made from mushrooms.

Combine those natural ingredients with your favorite caffeinated beverage, and you have a caffeine boost with a lot more to offer. From coffee with Lion’s Mane mushrooms to prebiotic green teas and “energy” sparkling water, you may not need to sleep until 2025.

It’s clear that 2024 promises to be a year of culinary innovation and adventure. From mouthwatering mashups to tropical temptations, the trend toward more natural and less processed food continues. Throw a few new viral TikTok trends in the mix, and it could be an exciting culinary year.

This article was produced by Always Use Butter and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

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