This week, 42 Colorado Christian University students traveled 1,667 miles from Lakewood, Colorado, to Washington, D.C., for the 2025 March for Life.
Guided by the strategic priorities of the university, CCU boldly stands for the rights of the preborn both locally and nationally as part of its mission to “impact our culture in support of traditional family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, Biblical view of human nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the Constitution, and Western civilization.”
Since 2019, CCU has sent a contingent of passionate pro-life students to the March for Life, and in 2020, CCU was selected as the official university leader of this event. In 2023, CCU registered “Pro-Life U™” as a trade name with the Colorado Secretary of State and submitted it as a federally-registered trademark, with approval currently pending, demonstrating CCU’s and the Centennial Institute’s “strong commitment to the sanctity of life and the biblical teaching that every life is created by God with intrinsic value.”
The CCU delegation will be in Washington, D.C. from through Jan. 25.
In addition, students will get a cool overview of important landmarks in the D.C. area: Students will get to explore the monuments on a Moonlight Monuments tour Friday night and have the opportunity to visit various museums on Sunday morning, such as the Museum of the Bible, the Holocaust Museum, and Ford's Theater.

More about the March:
The March for Life Education and Defense Fund announced the speakers for the 52nd annual March for Life, taking place on January 24, 2025. Speakers include Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; U.S. Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ); Bethany Hamilton, professional surfer, mother, and pro-life advocate; Dr. Catherine Wheeler, Obstetrician; Josiah Presley, Abortion Survivor; Lila Rose, President of Live Action; Beverly Jacobson, CEO of Mama Bear Care; and Jennie Bradley Lichter, President-Elect of the March for Life.
This year’s theme, ‘Life: Why we March’ focuses on returning to our roots to acknowledge the humanity of each person, while also highlighting the need to protect and support both mother and child through the thousands of resources available to them. Our goal this year is to remind and reignite everyone — politicians, legislators, families, and women – in the truth that every life, unborn and born, has inherent dignity, meaning, and value, and as such is always worth fighting for. Our speakers will serve as witnesses to emphasizes the joy and beauty of life, and the dedication of the pro-life movement.