Iran Now 'Accomplice' In Russian War On Ukraine

Tuesday, October 18 2022

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graphic drone Iran
Drones used against civilians in Ukraine

KYIV, Ukraine — Ukraine’s top diplomat wants his country to sever diplomatic relations with Iran over its sale of so-called suicide drones to Russia.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Tuesday that Ukraine wouldn’t tolerate Iran’s “meanness and lies” on the issue.

The Iranian drones are precise, small, can effectively penetrate air defenses when fired in groups and are cheap at around $20,000 each. Moscow has used them extensively in recent days in its war against Ukraine, especially against civilian targets in Ukrainian cities.

“After Iran has become an accomplice in Russia’s aggression and crimes on our territory, we will take a clear and honest stand,” Kuleba said, adding that he advised President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to break off ties with Tehran.

Ukraine's military intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, said that after Iran provided Russia with a first batch of 1,750 drones, Moscow has placed orders for more.

Russian trying to eliminate infrastructure 

A senior Ukrainian official says Russian attacks have damaged more than 400 infrastructure targets across Ukraine since early last week.

The Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, Oleksii Chernyshov, said Tuesday that Russian missiles and Iranian-made drones have struck 408 Ukrainian targets since Oct. 10.

The targets included 45 energy facilities. He said that more than 180 civilian buildings were also struck.

Chernyshov insisted that Ukrainians will not be cowed by Moscow’s onslaught. He said that “such terrorist actions of the aggressor mobilize and harden us even more.”

Tatiana Alexeyevna mourns over the coffin of her son Colonel Oleksiy Telizhenko during his funeral in Bucha
[Photo Credit: AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti] Tatiana Alexeyevna mourns over the coffin of her son Colonel Oleksiy Telizhenko during his funeral in Bucha



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